Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Shepherding My Daughter Through My Pain

My 10-year old daughter was crying before bed time last night. In fact, she's done this a few times over the past couple of weeks. It's not that she has something wrong. It's that she's extremely caring. She can't stand to see people in pain or the thought of someone going through a painful experience.

Thursday I am going in for back surgery. It's a fairly common and routine surgery - a disk fusion, but my daughter is dreading the thought that someone is going to cut me open. For her, that's the most aweful pain imaginable. I've explained to her that I need to go through this pain to end a much more significant pain that I have been experiencing for years. Sometimes things have to get worse to get better. That's why I am going through with the surgery. I am actually, on some sick and morbid level, looking forward to the surgery. I am tired of being tired and in pain, so for me this temporary pain is actually freeing in the long run.

Pray for me as I undergo this surgery. But pray also for my wife and daughters - the oldest daughter especially.

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