Monday, January 19, 2009

William Booth: Soup, Soap, & Salvation

I just finished reading William Booth: Soup, Soap, and Salvation by Janet & Geoff Benge. It's part of the Christian Heroes: Then & Now book series. William Booth was the founder of the Salvation Army, and I was very much looking forward to reading this book about his life and ministry. The read was quick and easy and it's a book that older children and youth will enjoy as I did. I most appreciated reading of Booth's holistic approach to ministry. In the beginning of his ministry he was only concerned about the soul. But as he began to get more in touch with the compassion of Christ he began to recognize the need to minister to the entire person - something I have been meditating on much of late.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kevin, I love the Jeunesse en Mission (YWAM) book series too! I have Count Zinwendorf & John Wesley at my bed. Already read William Booth. Have you tried the International Aventure Series. Ca c'est bon ça!!! Chuck from Paris