Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Family Night Devotional: Words

Tonight was our weekly family night when we take time to do a teaching lesson, pray for one another, and spend time together in a focussed way. This evening I whipped out the classic illustration about the power of our words and how once we say things we can't take them back - toothpaste! I told the girls they were going to compete for $20 cold, hard cash. For added affect I placed the $20 bill right in front of them. I told them that the first one to successfully complete the task would receive the $20. It was a 3-stage race. Stage 1: Open the toothpaste box, put the tube on a paper plate, race to the back fence, return, and sit down. Stage 2: Empty the entire contents of the tube onto the plate. Stage 3: Put all of the toothpaste back into the tube so that it looks like new again. True to their personalities, Claudia was careful, methodical, fairly neat, and asked for things like a toothpick, and that thing you use to squirt juice and gravy into a turkey (no idea what it's called). Natalia just went nuts and made a mess. After a bit they both confessed it was impossible. They washed up (Natalia left the entire bathroom smelling minty fresh), and then we broke open our Bibles. The girls read several Scriptures about our speech and the power of our words. We talked about how we can practically apply God's Word to our everyday situations by using our words wisely in order to help people rather than to hurt them, and we prayed for one another. It was a great lesson!  

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