Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Retreat & Life Without my Computer

So I left my computer home for the weekend while I went away on retreat. Saturday Adriana called me to say the computer wasn't working. She took it to our computer guy at the church, and Monday I got the news that the hard drive had failed. This is a brand new Mac, and it was the first time I had left her alone. I guess she missed me so bad it literally killed her! lol So, now I am computer-less for 3-5 days. Yikes! (BTW, I am using one of my office staff's computers to type this for you smart-alecs who were wondering!) Amazing how much life revolves around computers now. I feel like Will Ferrell playing a news anchor in the old Saturday Night Live skit when the teleprompters go out and he doesn't know how to function and goes savagely insane.

Anyways, I had a good weekend away. It was our annual men's retreat, and it was the first time I was able to get away to it as I did not have any Sunday morning responsibilities. Felt so good! Had an enjoyable ride out with two of my fellow-pastors from the church, Ted and Derek. I was really hoping for some rest, relaxation, and some solitude to think and pray in between the sessions. When my roommate for the retreat did not show up Friday night, I assumed he must have had to work and would show up on Saturday, and enjoyed some quiet time in my room, getting to bed at 12:30 a.m. I have not been to bed at 12:30 a.m. in forever. While most people say that implying that that is late for them, for me it is actually quite early. My normal time for turning in is between 2 and 3 a.m. Saturday rolled in, and still no roommate. Ultimately he did not show. I was bummed on the one hand, because he is one of my volunteers, and I was looking forward to a little time with him, but I was blessed on the other hand, because I really got to have that solitude I was desiring.

In addition to the sessions including lively table discussions, I went for a couple of runs along the pine needle-covered trails around gorgeous lakes, played some basketball, did some reading, sat by the lake in contemplation, and did a lot of journaling. While I didn't receive any earth-shattering revelations, or sense any direct words in terms of direction, what I did feel was an overwhelming sense that my Father loves me, is for me, and is with me in what I am going through. Through a few encounters I felt like God was winking at me as if to say, "I love you big guy. Everything's gonna be alright. Just trust me."

1 comment:

Kevin Mahaffy, Sr. said...

TOLD you not to go with a MAC!!! Never listen to your father, just your grandfather and uncle.