Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Quote of the Day

I found this statement by Ed Young, Jr. on his blog and it resonated with my heart. Enjoy!

"If it ain't broke, break it.

"In other words, change. Just to change. That may sound like an odd statement, but it's vital. Why? Because change is the guts of creativity.

"We all want to be creative. But to do that, in any venue of life, we have to be willing to change. Something. Anything. And we have to do it before we need to do it.

"One of the biggest pitfalls we find ourselves in is the inability, or unwillingness, to change. We lock ourselves into a style, a look, a time zone. And after a while, everything we do and say looks and sounds like circa 2002.

"When you drill it down, the lack of change is all about fear. Many people and leaders resist the need to change because of the resistance of change. But there's a spin cycle of success when it comes to change.

"Change. Conflict. Growth.

"If you want your life and your leadership to reach the level God wants it to, you have to change."

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