Friday, July 18, 2008

Sex God by Rob Bell

A few weeks ago I picked up Rob Bell's new book Sex God. It was an incredible, insightful, thought-provoking look at sexuality and its intricate, endless connections to spirituality. Bell is a poet and teacher who has a tremendous ability to weave words together in such a beautiful way, painting a picture of understanding as well as challenge. He is also very well versed in Jewish thought and history, and uses this knowledge to shed light on original understanding and helps us get closer to the intended meaning of passages and words. I so enjoy this aspect of his writing. He causes his readers to think in terms of Jews in the original context before making the leap to modern day application, which is the essence of trying to stay true to the text. Many times I was envisioning the scenes he was painting, and it was very helpful. Another great thing about Bell is that he is not afraid to stir things up, offering possibilities and asking questions that few evangelicals are daring enough to ask. I appreciate his willingness and even his desire to get his readers to think, not just give them nicely packaged theology and thoughts.

My intern Josh saw me reading this book. When I finished it, and before leaving for our Mexico missions trip, he asked me if he could bring it along to read on the plane. It was funny seeing the students' reaction to the title of the book he chose to read. After a few hours on the plane, he came to me, his eyes as big as saucers, and he said that it was the most incredible book he had ever read. I highly recommend that you pick it up and give it a read. It will really cause you to think deeply, and to be stretched in your thinking in this area. I also recommend his other book that I have read, Velvet Elvis.

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