Friday, March 16, 2012

The Domino Effect of Generosity

This past week we got to see the domino effect of generosity. Here are 2 things that happened:

First, our church kicked off a new series On Sunday and gave over 100 people money to go out and do something great for God's kingdom in the next 3 weeks. Adults received $100 and students received $20. The ground rules were: (1) Recognize this is God's money, not yours; (2) Pray and ask God how he wants you to leverage the money for kingdom impact; (3) Come back in 3 weeks and give a report of what you did. One of the recipients of some of the money is in our small group. As she began to share what she felt God had put on her heart to do, she invited us to join her project. She also mentioned another idea she had. This is the cool part: We're going with one project, but as she mentioned the other need, someone in our group started brainstorming various ways she could help the other person and is, in fact, working on it. Just having the conversation has led to meeting additional needs. Domino effect.

Second, each week in our middle school ministry we collect non-perishable food items to give to local food pantries. We call it "Fill the Tub." Last week, while my wife was at work, she was having a conversation with one of her clients and the talk turned from the vanity of the retail/makeup world to talk about how to reach out and selflessly help others. Adriana began to tell the woman about how we are teaching our own children and our students generosity. The woman said she was having a 70th birthday party for her husband and had asked the guests not to bring gifts, but to bring bags of groceries to help those in need. She then told Adriana that she was looking for a place to donate to, and said she wanted to give them to us. The other night we went over to their home and this beautiful couple filled our trunk with groceries. Domino effect.

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