Thursday, September 23, 2010

Despising Our Youth

Someone gave me a little one-page article called "Despising Our Youth" by Janie B. Cheaney from the September 25, 2010 edition of World Magazine. I found the last two paragraphs the most interesting.

"Youth group is often seen as a way to keep kids off the streets. Yet just the opposite should be true. 'Go!' Jesus told His followers: Hit the streets! Youth delights in revolution; it's a great way to take one's own measure. Jesus came with the most revolutionary, countercultural, radical message ever. Every time the church tries to settle into complacency, He shakes it up again. He's shaking now, raising the alarm among all ages. Teenagers should be pulling their boots on and listening to the Harris boys: 'Do hard things.'

"It's a great day for challenges. 'Let no man despise your youth,' indeed - but more importantly - don't despise your own."

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