Saturday, January 5, 2013

A Book You Can Read in 30 Minutes That Will Impact The Rest of Your Life

You're probably wondering right now why this post looks funny.
You're probably thinking: Why did Kevin right-align this?
I don't like it.
It's weird.
It's different. 
It's not what I'm used to.
You might be contemplating whether you should just stop reading.

Life is full of it. 
It's inevitable. 
Our family has been through a lot of it the past few years. 
We're going through it as I write this. 
I bet you are too. 

There is an amazingly powerful little story about 2 mice and 2 Littlepeople that every person needs to read. 
In fact, millions have already read it. 
If you haven't you need to. 
Last night we finished reading it as a family. 
It's a short story that will have lifelong impact on how you view change
It's called Who Moved My Cheese
Whether you are young or old, do yourself a favor and read this book. 
If you have 30 minutes right now, don't even bother getting up. 
Download it as a PDF and read it for free here
Have I said you need to read this book yet? 
OK, I'm done.
Stop reading this post about the book and start reading the book itself. 

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