Sunday, September 6, 2009

Tommy Update September 4th

So, not much happened today. He is still not ready for the tubes to be taken out. They didn't even try today because his levels weren't up to par. He needs to only be relying on 40% of oxygen or lower. And this other level called the peep level needs to be at 5. They were both there yesterday but today for some reason, his oxygen was up to 70% this morning and his peep up to 9. The doctors told us in the beginning not to be worried but his levels could just fluctuate like that without warning. Our main doctor told us that he was so mad this morning when he saw that because he really wanted to take him off of it today but is not worried. It will get there. But it is taking longer because of the injury to his lung. So you can pray that his lungs heal up and he will be able to breathe on his own soon. Unless God WANTS him to be asleep for this long so that he can heal without being awake, I don't know. But it's getting hard to keep going on like this.
Today he kept waking up alot. And was actually able to write to the nurses. This morning he tried to write but it only came out in a scribble but later on he was able to ask the nurse in writing "Where am I?" because they said patients of this surgery and are sedated like this get confused and forget what's going on even 5 minutes later. He had a new nurse, Kevin, tonight and he was very nice and explained a lot to us. He said for us to talk to him, he knows we are there and can answer yes or no questions by nodding his head or shaking it no. So we did a little. We were able to find out he was comfortable but wanted to sit up and that he wanted a cold cloth on his forhead. The end of the night after we prayed with him, and we said goodnight he grabbed my hand and was trying to tell me something. I felt so bad because he was getting frustrated and we couldn't understand what he was trying to say. He tried writing but couldn't get it out. Then, (mom you'll like this) I asked him if he remembered sign language and he shook his head yes and actually started signing letters. He only ended up spelling "lemon" which didn't make sense and Kevin said he's out of it and really doesn't know what he's trying to say. But I was still so proud of him that he could actually remember how to sign and he acknowledged that those were the letters he meant and was trying to say. That's not as easy as just remembering how to spell things. So that made me happy at least that his brain is really functioning. I felt bad though, he seemed like he wanted to tell me he wanted something so bad but Kevin said we should just go because he needs to sleep and won't even remeber this later on. So we left.
They will check his levels again tomorrow and it will just keep continuing like this for awhile. Once he is off the breathing tube he can wake up and start eating and talking. So i cannot wait for that!! But all in God's timing

1 comment:

Anne Marie Spiliotis said...

Hi Naomi, this is Anne Marie Spiliotis and Steve. You don't really know us but I have been keeping updated on your precious husband and just wanted to let you know that he is in our prayers every night as are you and your families. May God's peace come over you at this moment knowing that his hand is in this situation, know that you are covered in prayer.