Last week I posted a blog with my
Top 10 Learnings from 10 Years in Full-Time Youth Ministry. #3 was: Youth ministry isn’t really about teenagers; it’s about helping to shape godly adults. I truly believe that my calling as a youth worker specifically, and as a Christian adult more generally, is to help raise up the next generation of Christ-followers. This means that I constantly keep before me the reality that I will not always be in my students' lives - at least not with the intensity that I am during their teenage years. Therefore, my desire is to equip them with tools to succeed in life after we part ways. (By the way, this is true as a parent as well. While I'll always be in my daughters' lives, the nature of our relationship will change through time. They will head off to college. They will get married. They will have their own families.) I believe the measure of my success as a youth worker (and as a parent) is what my students (daughters) will look like in 10, 20, 30, 40 years.
One of the best tools that I have found to help me in this endeavor is Simply Youth Ministry's H.A.B.I.T.S. We want students to develop certain habits that will help them be able to grow - and these are the three important words: ON THEIR OWN! Along with identifying 6 habits we want them to work into the fabric of their lives, the production pack includes tools that have been created to help students develop each habit.
To purchase this great resource, use the
10% Off coupon at the top of my blog. Give your students something that will transcend your few years in their lives. Help them become life-long followers of Jesus by equipping them with habits for life.
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