Saturday, September 15, 2012

The Pastor by Eugene Peterson

Today I finished reading Eugene Peterson's memoir, The Pastor. It was a wonderful read, and a look into how a young man with absolutely no desire at all to be a pastor ended up being exactly that. Peterson, most widely known for his modern translation of the Bible, The Message, takes readers back to his roots as a young boy growing up in the mountains of Montana; along his journey of exploring different career options; into the moment of discovering, much to his surprise, that his vocation was indeed to be a pastor; through the excitement of beginning a new church in Maryland; through his disillusionment with pastoral ministry; into the personal struggles and challenges of embracing and fully living out his calling; all the way up to his present situation. A great story-teller, he draws readers into his life and the exploration of the heart of a pastor. 

As a pastor who contends with many of the same issues, the book was one that caused me to pause and reflect on my vocation, and encouraged my heart deeply. I highly recommend this book to anyone, especially for anyone working in the local church or who has ambitions to do so. It would be terrific mandatory reading for those studying for ministry in Bible colleges or seminaries.

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